Key Benefits of Dynamics 365 for Sales and Marketing

Microsoft Dynamics 365 can change your business for the better. It helps you to eliminate human errors from your business. Integrated solutions are what you should look for if you are thinking of investing in something that will strengthen your business and streamline its operations.

This way, you will be able to curb expenses as well. Leverage Microsoft Dynamics 365, which is a unique product from Microsoft, and make improved decisions with it.

There could be a lot of other solutions but nothing is as effective as Microsoft’s successful business application platform, dynamics 365. It is cloud-based and comes with a wide array of ERP and CRM solutions. It is a solid combination of sales, marketing, and servicing tools and gives your business a clear view of its customers.

It is an end-to-end solution and there are so many benefits of it. In this blog, we will talk about its benefits for the sales and marketing functions.

Dynamics 365 for sales 

Now you must be thinking about how is it important for the sales and marketing division?

Effectively managing the sales process includes finding, qualifying, and even nurturing leads up to the buying stage. It allows organizations to establish solid relationships with customers and make great decisions based on in-depth insights and other information.

It will help your business close sales in a fast and effective manner. The software also helps in tracking contacts and accounts and creating sales. It is a user-friendly application that will help you reach sales objectives.

Successfully track competitors’ performance:

Being successful in sales means you have to track your conversion rate. You have to find out the return on investment. It also includes understanding the pros and cons and the strength of your competitors.

Dynamics 365 comes with in built-in feature that allows organizations to create their competitors’ profiles consisting of the accounts and sales opportunities they are trying to attain. You can feed information based on client reviews to dynamics 365 to create effective sales strategies. You will be able to improve your revenues and profits with time.

Import Data with Ease:

The task of importing business data to a whole new system while upgrades are on can be extremely time-consuming, monotonous, and frustrating. Consumers will not wait for you for hours.

You have to understand that you cannot take make any mistakes that will lead to the loss of valuable leads. This is the reason why you should invest in dynamics 365. It will save you from such issues and even import data easily to the new system.

It always has a connection with excel and this is the reason why organizations can focus on catering to customer needs.

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Get the right feedback:

Many businesses follow a standardized approach and then they cannot figure out why they cannot meet targets. You need to take actions beyond making phone calls. It will set you apart from the competition if you get the right feedback from customers. Dynamics 365 can cause a difference in your business with its unique process flow UI. You can increase the conversion rate if you take actions that will push customers toward buying stage.

Integrate social media:

Today, the importance of social media is undeniable. Sales are made online, on social media platforms, and offline. When it comes to social media platforms, consumers are more vocal about their opinions and what they feel about a particular product or service. You must go through the client reviews and feedback to understand where you are going wrong.

Dynamics 365 comes with a social listening tool that will help you with your sales and marketing functions. Companies can join in on the conversations and interact with customers to validate their reputation in the market. You can convert cold leads to sales if you take this seriously.

Develop customer focus sales strategy which dynamics 365.

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The digital landscape is a mobile-friendly and user-friendly one. Since customers today are always connected to the Internet via their mobile phones, you need to make yourself available through the same devices. You have to give them an entire marketplace available on their smartphones.

It is also true for sales teams that need access to information while on the move to cater to customer demands. It is a cloud-based application that provides data to access customer information.

Easy integration:

Dynamics 365 can be integrated with SharePoint libraries and the Microsoft Office suite. Emails can be sent quickly with the help of dynamics 365.

One can also keep track of outlook email by giving your business access to communication history. It allows a greater level of convenience which is required for modern-day businesses.

Dynamics Business Solutions have high level of expertise in terms of analysis, design and deploy the solution and provides best after sales support as well.

Effectively manage customer events:

Sales teams also provide live demo presentations and other events for customers and prospects. They need the perfect way to conduct live interactions with stakeholders as well. Event management plays a key role here which can be better handled by dynamics 365. It has planning management and execution features.

This includes registration, conversion, automated follow-up, lead generation, and attendance count.

Enhance customer tracking:

Another key benefit of Microsoft Dynamics 365 is that it comes with better customer tracking. Qualified leads progress through the sales panel. Sales personnel better understand the importance of tailoring every conversation.

This means that a conversation with a cold lead will vary from that with a hot lead. Dynamics 365 tracks opportunities through predetermined milestones set by the organization. It would save you time and confusion. Your sales team will be able to deliver better productivity this way. 

Access to sales dashboards:

Dynamics 365 offers sales dashboards in real-time with KPI charts statistics and graphics. You have to better understand customer requirements and make it possible to understand potential problems and increase customer satisfaction. 

Automated lead scoring:

Dynamics 365 makes it simple to qualify, organize, access, and score leads. 

You can automate the process with dynamics 365 and score additional leads. You can even plan and promote marketing webinars for successful campaigns with the help of dynamics 365.

Dynamics 365 for marketing

The app has a built-in BI that works alongside D365 for sales. 

Some of these solutions and apps are available as add-ons or bundles that you can avail of with other 365 products. 

Event management:

Promote webinars or in-person events with the help of D365. Core marketing: It offers behaviour tracking, customer journeys, email marketing, lead scoring, and more. 

Dynamics 365 portals:

It is used by the marketing app to publish events and also conduct online surveys.

Voice of the Customer:

It is a great way to determine consumer trends. Leverage D365 for your marketing needs. 


To wrap it up, dynamics 365 for marketing and sales is important. It helps businesses create interactive customer journeys, prioritize leads, organize events, capitalize on survey results, etc. 

Dynamics Business Solutions (DBS) is certified Microsoft Dynamics partner in UAE, we take pride in our ability to develop and deploy the right business solution that matches global client’s requirements. Our in-house developed state of the art solutions Dynamo & DynaPay for HRMS and Payroll on top of MS Dynamics 365 FO and Business Central are capable enough to cater all requirements related to HR and Payroll.

To know more, speak to our expert at Dubai: +971 4 447 5525 Abu Dhabi: +971 2 222 2100 or inbox us your query at OR visit

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