The Importance of Dynamics 365 in Digital Transformation

There is no denying that most businesses are stepping towards transforming into a digital enterprise for improved solutions, expanded service areas, and better chances of obtaining favorable results.

One of the major reasons behind it is the increasing demand for existing customers and the target audience.

The Untold Importance of Digital Transformation

As per a report by Forrester Consulting for Microsoft, organizations that involve BI (Business Intelligence), CRM (customer relationship management), and ERP (enterprise resource planning) tend to receive better leverages in different segments of the business.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is the best platform to manage the detailed insights of sales and other business operations, which prove necessary to make the right decisions for future productivity.

Using this, you can evaluate your target audience’s requirements, analyze the rising opportunities, and bring a suitable product in the market to achieve the new heights of success in your business.

The involvement of digital transformation was on the peak after Staya Nadella became the proud CEO of Microsoft. He was the one to bring the concept of digital transformation with himself.

Read Also | Why opt for Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM? Here are the benefits.

Here are a few facts and stats elaborating the benefits of indulging digital transformation in your processes-

  1. Digital transformation helps to improve the 58% of operational tasks as compared to the overall 30% of other tasks performed in the organization
  2. With the help of digital transformation, businesses have seen 62% of improved customer engagement and lead conversion rates. Earlier, the rate used to hit 29% only.
  3. 51% of businesses witnessed an increase in their overall revenue generation graph. Without involving digital transformation, the rate was confined to 32% only.
  4. 51% of businesses got the potential of expanding their brand reach and recognition in the market as compared to 32% of other businesses in the market.
  5. 49% stated that they saw an increase in operational innovation, which is more than twice as compared to other businesses from the same domain.
  6. Using this, around 49% of businesses experienced a sudden increase in their employees’ productivity. This rate is 34% in businesses that don’t use digital transformation.
  7. 45% of businesses found out new revenue generation streams, and those who do not incorporate digital transformation in their processes could discover only 24% of new revenue generation streams.

This shows when Microsoft Dynamics 365 combined with digital transformation can lead to higher business successes in no time. All you need is to have the capability to develop a robust strategy and the intent to bring the desired results on your table.

Read Also | Why choose Microsoft Dynamics 365 to run your business

The final word-

Right from innovation to the overall operational structure, the concept of digital transformation, when combined with Dynamics 365 helps to uplift the standards of a business in many ways possible.

There is a stream of companies that have started to involve in this process after witnessing an increasing rate of proficiency, ROI, and other leverages to the businesses.

To adopt and indulge your company in this, all you need is to have the skills and strategy-making potential to make the most out of digital transformation.

Dynamics Business Solutions (DBS) is certified Microsoft Dynamics partner in UAE, we take pride in our ability to develop and deploy the right business solution that matches global client’s requirements.

To know more, speak to our expert at Dubai: +971 4 447 5525 Abu Dhabi: +971 2 222 2100 or inbox us your query at

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