How Dynamics 365 business central and digital transformation are connected?

It may interest you to know that more than 86% of successful CEOs all around the world think that their company’s success relies in how wisely they use their digital investments on propelling a vision of digital technologies. 

In the current scenario, leading towards digital success comes with the true potential of how and what software you prefer to rely on.

There is a series of software available in the market to ensure quality results and promise to bring a change in the digital transformation.

It all depends on what, why and how you choose the right software partner for your organizational growth. 

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central- A Cloud-Based Software for Developing Companies 

A software like Microsoft Dynamics 365 business central and digital transformation run on parallel grounds.

If an organization has to experience the true sense of digital transformation, then it is a must to get your hands on something robust like Dynamics 365 business central.  

Read Also | How Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central can help in operations

What is Dynamics 365 Business Central?

It is a cloud-based software enriched with advanced and reliable features making it one of the finest commercial products available in the market.

It may interest you to know that at present, there are more than 159 reputed computer software companies established in the United States, using Dynamics 365 Business Central to propel their business and streamline their work processes. 

Microsoft launched Dynamics 365 Business Central on 2nd April 2018 and ensured that it would be available for organizations as a SaaS solution. 

Read Also | Useful Features of Dynamics 365 Business Central

Here are a few leverages & features of Dynamics 365 Business Central- 

1. Powered with BI-

There are a lot of CEOs throughout the world who prefer to hop on Dynamics 365 Business Central for the sake of making the most out of its BI-enriched features.

BI (business intelligence) helps with a better and progressive business expansion approach. 

2. Data security-

As comes with the seal of Microsoft’s trust and abilities, the user does not need to be worried about the data security measures.

All the data stored on Dynamics 365 Business Central is well protected. 

3. Reporting-

If offers you to customize the set of features, filters, and reporting types to make the most out of your processes.

The reports generated come with multiple dimensions for the overview. 

4. Cloud solution-

As it is a cloud-based solution, the licensed user can access it via anywhere, anytime.

This ensures easy and streamlined collaboration for the best results. 

5. Optimizes the supply chain-

There is an in-built intelligence feature which helps to predict and analyze what needs to be refilled in the inventory store for a streamlined manufacturing process. 

6. Improves the sales-

Businesses dealing with sales processes can act quickly on the sales inquiries and can process the payment in no time.

It is all possible through Microsoft Outlook. It also ensures an overview of the sales team performance. 

Read Also | How Dynamics 365 Business Central Help in Business Growth?

The Bottom Line- 

Microsoft Dynamics 365 business central is capable and much-preferred business software that streamlines the work processes of different teams, work areas like- sales, management, HR, etc.

It won’t be wrong; it considers it as a one-stop-solution to all your data management and monitoring the work processes.

Dynamics 365 business central works wonderfully for small to large-scale organizations. It’s quick, effective, reliable, and comes with the trust of a giant brand like Microsoft. 

Dynamics Business Solutions (DBS) is certified Microsoft Dynamics partner in UAE, we take pride in our ability to develop and deploy the right business solution that matches global client’s requirements.

To know more, speak to our expert at Dubai: +971 4 447 5525 Abu Dhabi: +971 2 222 2100 or inbox us your query at

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