Majority of the companies are content with what ERP solutions bring to their business once they are implemented.
Via unified inventory database, a user can share and manage transaction records, which otherwise was managed by distinct departments in the past.
Just by easily sharing business wide data, inefficiencies like double data entry are lowered, if not eliminated.
However, such conveniences granted by the ERP may sometimes result in misconceptions by the user, as they may think all the data can be recovered by implementing the system.
Here in this article, we would like to enlighten you about what kind of information in particular can one achieve in reality and how is BI tool useful for Dynamics 365 Data Analysis.
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Is BI or Business Intelligence important or required?
While most of the ERPs represent a set of generic functions that are used widely by the corporate management, the available standard reports are generally restricted to accounting, like balance material for the accounts payable and accounts receivable, inventory evaluation report, trial balance, purchasing slips and templates for invoices.
As an outcome, there have been numerous cases where standard reports were not sufficient to cover all business requirements and the employee in charge ended up aggregating information from every ERP module for creating a performance analysis report on Excel.
In such situations, the accuracy and speed of acquiring real time information becomes crucial for users to make on time decisions.
Not an exaggeration but the detailed information can in few circumstances or situations take the entire day to create.
Numerous data analysis tools like BI tools help to lower such load involved in generating analysis materials that need handling of accurate data in real time.
Here we will explore the importance of power BI tool. This tool can get directly integrated to the Dynamics 365 Business Central database and can be utilized for a wide range of activities, which involves data analysis.
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Power BI
Power BI is a dashboard tool. In actuality, the dashboard is an overview of tools in the cockpit of an airplane, as they show key business indicators utilizing visual items that are easy to view.
Irrespective of the detailed information lists utilizing spreadsheets, it is well suited for the intuitive data analysis such as figuring out data trends as well as outliers at glance.
The tool power BI is a software for creating a dashboard provided by Microsoft. It has a procedure that enables you to allude to data from numerous software.
With ERPs such as Dynamics 365 Business Central, BI tools can be readily integrated and it does not need any advanced level programming either.
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It can be utilized for reporting the following:
- Trend of sales by item
- Sales as per region
- Ranking of revenue by item
- Ranking of sales by customers
- Earning figures and preliminary sales for present month
- Sales project trends
- Trends in cash flow
- Trends in revenue by department or location
- Change in sales by the sales staff
Also, it has the following listed characteristic functions:
- Can be utilized from the data analysis for forecasting
- Users sighting the information can change the axis of analysis easily as per their preference
- Enables an optimized layout design for tablets and smartphones
- Share dashboards amongst Power BI users
- Email or schedule your dashboard periodically
- Integration with the Office 365
- Dashboard display within Dynamics 365.
Dynamics Business Solutions (DBS) is a certified Microsoft Dynamics partner in UAE, we take pride in our ability to develop and deploy the right business solution that matches global client’s requirements.
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