Microsoft Dynamics 365 – the Perfect ERP and CRM Solution

Microsoft Dynamics 365 includes impeccable CRM and ERP cloud services that are related to a certain business process. 

This compact solution offers smart SaaS apps that integrate with Office 365 in a seamless manner.

Notably, Dynamics 365 consists of complex applications that are useful for high-end sales prediction in the field service, finance and operations, customer service, project service automation, and marketing.

Let’s now discuss how Microsoft Dynamics 365 is aiding digital transformation for a business and how companies are gaining traction from the same.

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App Designer creates personalized business applications

The first thing that you need to know is that MS Dynamics 365 offers app designer, which is a unique and enhanced functionality needed for developing a business application.

The most interesting fact is that users are allowed to create business applications without having knowledge about coding.

The application can be created through a power app and app source and consists of certain inbuilt features, which can be used for designing the app without any expenses.

App designer is just another feature that helps in making custom business apps, such as dashboards, charts, et al.

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Editable grids make editing simpler

Microsoft for its Dynamics 365 has this editable grid feature, which makes it easier for people to edit any record from any enterprise.

Editable grids are made to boost the user interface of CRM for particular business requirements, including YouTube player, Calendar, etc. throughout the mobile client application for phone and tabs.

You can use the grid view by yourself as well as enjoy a great visual experience. The features are user-friendly and can be used to feed CRM data conveniently at a quicker speed.

Mobile client

If you are running short of time to remain productive at your job, then this additional feature might help you.

This is available in Mobile CRM in MS Dynamics 365 and allows sales representatives, managers, and marketing executives to calculate real-time sales activities as well as update customer data.

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Process flow editor

With the new enhancement of business process flow, one can now forecast and check the time taken by the process in business process flow.

Workflows include better features, such as the one in which you can make some recommendations on a field to check the empty field.

Power BI

Power BI is a business intelligence tool, which is used for making interactive dashboards and visualization reports through drag and drop enhanced GUI.

It actually helps in making the entire data analysis process smoother that is done generally through data sources that have adobe analytics, Salesforce, Google Analytics, etc. 

Cortana intelligence

Cortana Intelligence is the best form of assistance for salespeople.

It helps in estimating about products and services that are needed by customers in the future, leading to emphasizing more on their cross-selling efforts.

This also helps in making better and informed decisions on the basis of customer behavioral date.

Azure IoT

If you want to know about the next big thing, then yes, the Internet of Things is the next big thing in Dynamics 365 implementation.

Any device will be able to connect to Azure IoT, which even includes tablets, smartphones, etc.

This can further that can be synch with CRM mobile software available on iOS, Windows, and Android.

It is a next-generation, top-notch technology that can enhance customer engagement in a seamless manner. This even shapes the business process growth through operation via digital change or upgradation.

Dynamics Business Solutions (DBS) is certified Microsoft Dynamics partner in UAE, we take pride in our ability to develop and deploy the right business solution that matches global client’s requirements.

To know more, speak to our expert at Dubai: +971 4 447 5525 Abu Dhabi: +971 2 222 2100 or inbox us your query at OR visit

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