6 Ways Cloud HR Software Has Improved the Workplace

Human resources have evolved manifolds over the past few years. Things have become faster and simpler. Thanks to technology, organizations are moving to cloud-based tech-savvy departments.

Cloud-based HR solutions can hire, manage leaves and provide A to Z solutions when it comes to HR management.

HR personnel can now take the help of modern-day tools to stay ahead in the game while avoiding manual errors and cumbersome processes. HR professionals can also take care of other tasks such as payroll and record keeping.

A look into the 90s HR: In 1995, when a manager at one of Hannaford Brothers Co.’s grocery stores wanted to check his 401(k),hewas required to dial into a voice-activated telephone system. You have to understand that interactive phone systems were at the heart of the 90s HR ecosystem.

Although it looks outdated right now, it was a necessary step toward today’s innovation. If you are still thinking of whether you need to switch to cloud HR software or not, kindly keep reading.

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Less paperwork:

Gone are the days of storing employee records in large files. You can bid goodbye to plenty of paperwork. With cloud-based HR solutions, the files can be safely stored in the cloud.

They can be accessed instantly with the help of applications.

Predictive Analytics:

Artificial intelligence in HR can aid employee retention and promotion issues. AI can address the issue immediately.

Accurate performance assessment:

One of the most critical functions of HR is to access employee performance. This includes endless paperwork, which you can now eradicate with cloud-based HR software. It helps to track employee performance in real-time on an automatic basis.

Today, there are about 70 products that fall under the employee performance management software category.

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Increased employee engagement:

This is one of the major reasons why you need to bid goodbye to your traditional on-premise HR solution. Cloud HR systems take advantage of big data and mobile technology in order to engage employees and give them access anytime and from anywhere. They have to track hours and manage employee payroll.

24/7 Access to Pay and Benefit Information:

Cloud HR solution also provides employees access to critical information about their pay and benefits. Cloud HR solutions offer constant access at any time.

Fast deployment:

HR software as a service is extremely easy to deploy and manage. Since it is based on end-user feedback in reviews, it is simple and straightforward when compared to legacy HR systems.

You also don’t have to worry about the maintenance of security updates. Cheaper: Another reason why cloud HR software has improved the workplace is that it is cheaper. The solutions offer more value for lower upfront costs.

Cloud solutions begin generating decent returns.

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A new approach to security:

Earlier, security used to just mean durable padlocks and fireproofing archives. But now as employee records are stored digitally, organizations need to rethink how to keep Sensitive data safe and secure. Data security is one of the main reasons why people should switch to cloud HR software.

Easy access to innovation is also one of the reasons one of the ways in which cloud HR software has improved the workplace. The pandemic has undoubtedly made people rethink how they manage their operations.

Now the requirement for cloud HR software across industries has surged ever since the pandemic hit the world. Employee self-service portals are the need of the hour – not a bonus anymore!

So these are a few ways in which cloud-based software has contributed in making the workplace better. 

Dynamics Business Solutions (DBS) is certified Microsoft Dynamics partner in UAE, we take pride in our ability to develop and deploy the right business solution that matches global client’s requirements. Our in-house developed state of the art solutions Dynamo & DynaPay for HRMS and Payroll on top of MS Dynamics 365 FO and Business Central are capable enough to cater all requirements related to HR and Payroll.

To know more, speak to our expert at Dubai: +971 4 447 5525 Abu Dhabi: +971 2 222 2100 or inbox us your query at info@dynamics.ae OR visit www.dynamics.ae

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