3 Advantages of cloud based HR solution

Digital transmogrification of HR management has viewed HR and payroll systems migrate increasingly to cloud based HR solutions.

Hybrid and SaaS cloud podiums serve several benefits over the traditional software that propel HRs to still abide by and rely on spreadsheet entry and manual processes.

Cloud computing merged with digitization has created a whole new platform for maintaining and managing employee data and others, thereby allowing employees to connect better with the correct touchpoints.

However, one might feel completely stuck with their legacy running system after investing a considerable amount of money and time into developing a medium that works just for you.

By doing so, those companies are losing out on values of staying updated with HR software, which indirectly is impacting their business growth.

Migrating to a contemporary cloud based HR solution is an ideal option for such organizations to keep their records straight.

Implementing cloud based HR solutions would allow such businesses to also make most of their HR management.

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Here, we will list 3 major advantages of shifting to cloud based HR solution:

All info and data gets stored up in cloud:

Contemporary cloud based HR platform provides several technological advantages over the legacy run systems, including browser and mobile based access, constant security checks and upgrades and others.

Moreover, SaaS moves all the HCM or Human Capital Management processes to digital platforms, which not just eliminates the need for pen and paper completely for recording and tracking activities but also builds a thoroughly electronic audit trail, which limits inaccuracies and discrepancies created by manual error.

Connectivity through mobility and real time delivers added benefits to company HRs, especially when the organization works on distributed work strengths with field operations or remote employees.

Leveraging the concept of cloud based technology, the HR solution allows you to create channels as per your employee’s needs making it easy for them to access right data and contact the correct individual when they require help.

Whether by tablet, smartphone or desktop, managing your crucial HR linked data in the cloud keeps your employees connected with the business at all times.

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ESS or Employee Self Service portal & payroll automation

Employee experience is a crucial component of HR, but as the zillennial and millennial generation takes over the workforce, management of human management is becoming synonymous with the user experience.

Your business employees are increasingly expecting the same level of communication and interaction that contemporary customer experience delivers.

It means seamless, fast and flexible service & payroll option access on demand.

HRM is no longer a function that is background oriented, but it is one that all the internal resources interact and engage with.

Contemporary cloud HCM platform allows employees to manage and deploy the digital touchpoints required to give them more integrated experience.

Leveraging the SaaS platform too allows one to automate info/data processing in the background making the payroll function stay compliant with all the rules and regulations.

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High scalability for HRM

One of the critical drawbacks of depending on the legacy HR system is being propelled to work with static apps having finite scalability.

With growth in organization, the requirement for workforce also grows and if the organization’s HCM processes fail to expand then the company is sure to suffer massively.

Traditional solutions surely will not be able to handle the pace of contemporary work strength, faster turnarounds and infinite data streams.

On the other hand, the HRM system delivered by SaaS caters in built flexibility to manage and handle your organization’s growth seamlessly.

Malleability of HCM systems allows one to maintain their data/info in real time without having to miss a single beat, making relevant adjustments as the organization goes on with their growth spree.

Moreover, it becomes simpler to integrate with various other software like ERP with automated solutions, that allow businesses to capture high value from such streamlined technology.

Dynamo works inside Microsoft Dynamics 365 FO – cloud based payroll software, we aim to offer the above similar features to all the businesses to make their payroll system function at ease with simplicity. 

Dynamics Business Solutions (DBS) is a certified Microsoft Dynamics partner in UAE, we take pride in our ability to develop and deploy the right business solution that matches global client’s requirements.

To know more, speak to our expert at Dubai: +971 4 447 5525 Abu Dhabi: +971 2 222 2100 or inbox us your query at  dynamo@dynamics.ae OR visit www.dynamics.ae

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