The top business advantages of Microsoft Power App Platform

Microsoft Power Platform comes with a suite of business apps andservices that includes Power BI, Power Apps, Power Automate, and Power Virtual Agents. In this blog, we will talk about Power Apps.

All these together help businesses transform their day-to-day activities and operations. It also helps you cut down costs in the long run.

It improves efficiency and provides meaningful insights, on the basis of which you can make informed decisions.

It also allows you to opt for personalization, develop better applications, analyze data and automate processes. You do not need any technical expertise for the same.

The Core Components of Microsoft Power Platform

Before talking about its benefits, let us talk about the core components, namely Microsoft Power BI, Microsoft Power Apps, Power Automate and Power VA.

While Power BI is a business analytics service which offers real-time insights from enterprise data, Power Apps is basically a no-code infrastructure that allows you to build easy-to-use enterprise applications for standard businesses.

Microsoft Power Automate is a workflow automation solution enabling you to make automated business workflows between your preferred apps and services via RPA and prebuilt templates and triggers to get data, and sync files, to name a few.

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Why use Power Apps?

It is code-free which means that you do not need to seek technical help from an expert. It has no weighted technical proficiency in design and development.

The IT professionals in your company can use the tools to make advanced business solutions. One of the main reasons why we suggest entrepreneurs get the Microsoft power apps is because it reduces the dependency on third-party tools. The power apps platform consolidates design, development, and automation tools in one suite.

You can make the most out of your subscription. In the long run, you will be able to save so much money as well. It eradicates the requirement for separate software licensing and maintenance. This means that you & your staff can do away with extra work as well.

Development Process Simplified:  It makes the development process way more streamlined. Creating a new app is no joke as it involves tickets, receiving manager clearance, design, q&a testing, security and prototype signoff. New applications may be imagined, produced, and more, which require you to use Power Apps.

Office 365 integration: You must be thinking about Office 365 integration. While you enable end-to-end capabilities with the Microsoft Power platform, the data collected can be managed with the help of excel, SharePoint or any other Office 365 app based on your preferences. It simplifies daily business tasks too and seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft products.

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Business transformation: Trust us or not, one of the top benefits behind Microsoft power apps is that it accelerates business transformation. It is much faster to develop and deploy an app with the help of power apps when compared to traditional development methods.

The no-code platform has an intuitive drag-and-drop interface with pre-built templates.

There are multiple data sources: There are multiple data sources which can you can avail of and combine the data to create an application.

The apps you build are absolutely secure: Custom applications built through power apps are extremely safe and secure. The apps and workflows combined with Azure Active Directory and other Microsoft security solutions.

You can even control permissions at the data and application levels. You will also be able to automate manual processes, thereby reducing time and eliminating repetitive and frustrating tasks.

It also increases efficiency and boosts productivity. Other important advantages include improved IT team productivity, increased revenue, better sales and reduce time to market.

It solves unique business challenges: Microsoft power app helps in solving business challenges. It can give your business a competitive edge. You can manage tasks such as automating communications, tracking employee expenses, and incorporating AI functions to name a few.

Anyone can build an app: As mentioned earlier, you do not need any added skills to build an app. It is easy to use, which means you do not need to have expertise in coding. You can easily create mobile-ready apps.

It also eradicates the requirement to hire advanced AI developers.

So these are a few reasons why you should go for the Microsoft power app. Power Apps allows you to work with canvas apps, model-driven apps and portals. Make the most of it!

Dynamics Business Solutions (DBS) is certified Microsoft Dynamics partner in UAE, we take pride in our ability to develop and deploy the right business solution that matches global client’s requirements. DBS has developed in-house state of the art solutions for HR and Payroll, Dynamo and DynaPay on top of Microsoft Dynamics 365 FO and Business Central respectively. These solutions are catering the all business needs of HR and Payroll departments. We provide best services and support to our clients.

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