How should you select the best cloud-based HR software?

IT slowly and steadily are becoming the part and parcel of your business group. With constantly evolving market dynamics, organizations are slowly taking up the software that can cater great ease to their regular HR operations & even boost their productivity.

Having a software is not at all adequate. For the same to become effective, it requires to become up to date and able to store & interpret data.

With disruptive technology taking the shape in maximum organization, the HR group has even not been left out. To stay relevant & keep higher pace, the HR managers require embracing the utilization of cloud HR software in their HR department.

Keeping in mind that there are even small scale organizations, which cannot keep up a proper IT department, a cloud based payroll solution has come forward for rescue. Also, this system is designed to fit the large scale companies with global presence.

Cloud HR software even known as SaaS or software as a service has come forward to revolutionize ease of performing business.

HR departments too are able to attain an updated HR system that easily mitigates their regular requirement with zero involvement of the IT department.

The IT team can even cut down the expense on software & hardware maintenance as the cloud based payroll system does not need any investment on hardware for their operation.

Managers and employees, on the other hand, can simply access the data/info they require from anywhere irrespective of the time. All they require is good access to the internet either from a mobile application & standard browser.

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Meaning of Cloud based HR software

Cloud is nothing but a metaphor used for referring to the internet. Computing in the cloud is the procedure of accessing and storing data & programs on the internet, which is opposed to using the PC’s hard drive.

Cloud HR Software is a solution that allows the business owners, HR managers and departmental managers to manage the affairs of the employees seamlessly. It assists the business to automate the processes like employee documentation, cost control, leave management, job attendance & payroll update.

Data gets normally stored up in the software that is hosted by the licensed company in a centralized data centre. Thus, there stands zero requirement of investing in the servers for storing up of data.

Software provider is just wholly responsible for smooth functioning of a system. Vendors even ensure that all resources needed for smooth running operations like software, hardware, support & security features are in place.

As a user, you just have to pay the monthly subscription charge for facilitating the operation of software.

The cloud based system guarantees an updated system that actually does not need any regular update or any kind of upgrading from the user’s end. All of it is taken care of by the vendor.

The customers just need to use the system with the latest functionality with zero added cost.

What actually motivates the businesses to take up cloud based payroll systems is the ability to easily adapt to system innovation.

With it businesses become highly efficient as most of their HR linked tasks become automated, which actually lessens the operation cycle & even boosts the output quality.

It even caters reduced operation cost because the number of employees needed for this work is minimal as compared to the on premise system, which needs human capital & various other IT resources for their operation.

Major fact that the companies can lower their dependency on the IT for the operation of the software tends the organization to adopt this latest trend.

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Benefits of Cloud HR Software

Cloud based payroll software is not just meant for big scale companies. Such software has distinct features & modules that are specifically designed for the small scale companies.

It makes the software simple to use by the small businesses and at the same time flexible for the bigger organization.

If your business is one that handles HR work manually, you might be a little skeptical when it comes to adopting cloud HR software. Have a quick watch at the benefits of adopting the cloud HR software:

Reduced cost of installation

Organizations do not require investing in the IT infrastructures & servers when setting up their cloud based payroll software. They even do not require their IT team for running this system.

The software’s vendor caters all the required resources that are needed to easily run the software. As the system gets hosted in a central place, the business just needs to pay a monthly subscription for using the service. Businesses can even opt for annual plan in place of monthly plan.

Better use of resources & time

Cloud based payroll software does not need any personnel to get indulged for regular operation of the software. Vendor is entirely responsible for all the operation of the software, which frees the business staff from the time consuming activities.

This even allows the IT team and the HR staff to get involved in other meaningful tasks of the business.

In case of small scale companies, they do not require fretting about the expense of hiring an IT specialist as it is taken good care of by the vendor.

Security & data integrity is even guaranteed as the requirement of manual data entry is zero. In case of key staff resignation from the business, there is zero fret of interference or any kind of sabotage with the workflow as they hold zero control over the software.

Read Also | Benefits of cloud based HR system

It is simple to set up

As the system is designed from onset by vendors, to implement the system is way simpler. Also, vendors can assist with data migration and provision of advice in regard to the best way of setting up a program.

Cloud based systems do not need any kind of software or hardware. As the procurement procedure is very fast, there is zero third party involvement in the buy of the system.

How should you select the best cloud based HR system for your organization?

Looking to avail cloud HR systems can be a huge challenge for the first timers. There are various options available, which likely overwhelms the business in selection procedure.

The right cloud based HR software for organization greatly depends on kind of business, their global footprint, & kind of employees whether casual, full time or part time workers. Here is a step by step process:

Security feature

Human resource data/info is highly sensitive & such kind of security is paramount in nature. Software should have complete control on who is accessing what kind of info/data & who has authorized any kind of change.

Systems should have distinct user rights, which are monitored carefully. Reporting tools must be completely secured to make sure that no one bypasses the software’s security. It should even have an established & recognized data centre.


Ensure to go for the software that has different features as per the organization’s needs. What type of data do you have & what kind of functions you are looking for, should be your initial questions.

Are you looking for a core HR system, payroll software, talent performance, etc? Higher the specs, more would be the cost. Just pay for what you need to cut down the cost.


Is the software providing all in one solution or is completely based on modules. Basis the area of concentration, select the software that will help you to make the most out of it.

Be sure to check or review it’s future scalability. With time, you might require upgrading your software basis for the growth of the organization both globally & locally.


Price of the system differs from vendor to vendor and even on basis of the functionalities involved. It is recommended to conduct a research & benchmark with distinct vendors in the market for settling with most favorable cost.

Dynamo works inside Microsoft Dynamics 365 FO – cloud based payroll software, we aim to offer the above similar features to all the businesses to make their payroll system function at ease with simplicity. 

Dynamics Business Solutions (DBS) is a certified Microsoft Dynamics partner in UAE, we take pride in our ability to develop and deploy the right business solution that matches global client’s requirements.

To know more, speak to our expert at Dubai: +971 4 447 5525 Abu Dhabi: +971 2 222 2100 or inbox us your query at OR visit

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